Economically, that is. Birth-to-toilet (isn't that a sublime turn of phrase?) the cost of disposable diapers is $2500. Compare that to as low as $500 for cloth. We got some as shower gifts - and I think I might be in the ball-park of $300 spent, plus whatever two or three loads of wash each week set you back (maybe $2-$2.50). If your kid is in diapers for 100 weeks, that's another $250 for washing and drying. You can cut that in half with line-drying instead of electric. Here is a cost/load calculator I found:
Here's a good story on diaper parties that describes the effect of the economy on diapers, as well as some well-worn fears of cloth diapers. #1 fear: poop. Surprise.
Also, here's some info on the life-cycle cost of a new washer from the California Energy Commission. Short version: as much as $850 over the life of the washer. Before you run out and buy one on credit, make sure you're not going to cough up $850 in interest on the payment plan...