Thursday, December 10, 2009

About Whippersnapper Wrapper

There's some cyclical wisdom I'd like to share: don't bite the hand that feeds you, and its postprandial corollary: don't s*** where you live. Which is why I started this blog.

As of today, I'm 35 and I'm the father of a 2-month-old son. I knew going into parenthood that my kids would wear cloth diapers as much as possible. I figure if you're going to have a kid, you may as well try to leave them a planet about as nice as the one you had to grow up in.

I'm not so much an eco-zealot as a rational pragmatist. I don't conserve water because I have feelings of nostalgia or romance about the planet. I don't think planets are romantic. I conserve water and use renewable energy because it's stupid and wasteful not to. I think less like a greenie, and more like my Depression-era minded grandparents.

Cloth diapers - less plastic, reusable, renewable, washable, durable, simple - right?

Unfortunately, the more I looked, the more complicated things got. It takes a tall step stool to get on that moral high-horse. The benefits of cloth diapers are mitigated by many factors.

On top of that, there are practical questions: there are a lot of choices! Compounding the problem of choices is that the 10% of us that use cloth diapers seem to be in love with the idea of being members of an elite and beleaguered club. As such, cloth diaper bloggers, reviewers and even purveyors use impenetrable cloth diaper jargon and acronyms: AIO, stash, ld, lo.

Whippersnapper Wrapper pledges to use only plain English when describing diapers, techniques, and products. I'll also tell you what works for me - bearing in mind that my philosophy is less-is-more.

I'm a dad. I'm after results, not appearances; real conservation, not moral high ground.

If you need the straight poop on poop, read on - and welcome!!

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